Augustus Fink-Nottle

Monster Hunter World trailer. I've always wanted to attach grappling hooks to a pterodactyl and shoot an expandy-schnoz T-rex in the face, I just never knew before now.

I'm always afraid that if I ride a bicycle too often, I'll eventually become half bicycle myself.

Casual revelations of time spent not owning a dog.

A bit more about The Last Night (the Blade Runneresque game bongoes linked the trailer to below): it started as a winning entrant into a cyberpunk game jam in 2014: very short browser version. One of the creators did have some problematic tweets about GGate stuff back then, but it may have been more ignorance than

Quite a bit of soccer recently: the two U.S. qualifiers and the end of my second FM season. Arsenal surprised Real Madrid in the Champions League final, counter-attacking down the right with Welbeck filling the space vacated by Marcelo's forward runs and scoring two goals to win 4-2. I also added another manager to

Once you get it (mm mm), you never want to quit (no no), after you've had it (yeah yeah) you're in an awful fix?

Say chums, I still have a copy of SteamWorld Heist from the Humble bundle to give away. It's quite a fun game. Tere still has dibs if he wants it, but if not anyone else is welcome to it. It activates on Steam and I'll give whoever the code over on the chat (so it won't be intercepted by warlords).

Yeah it was a pretty tense game. Bradley and Cameron were great tonight.

Well, we got a point, so I'll take it.

This ref has got my dander up. And Bruce Arena's personnel choices don't give me much confidence. I hope I can make it through the game without throwing anything.

I, for reasons unknown, have had "Wipeout" by the Fat Boys with the Beach Boys stuck in my head today. It's not been great.

I didn't know, until I looked on wikipedia, that he was Rosemary Clooney's son (and thus a cousin of George Clooney). I think he kept on working right up until near the end, on NCIS: The One Without Mark Harmon or Scott Bakula, That (Like the Others) Gussie Doesn't Watch, but Is Vaguely Aware of It Still Being a Show

That movie Alison was in is based on a story from The Decameron, I've read. Maybe it will be good?

Yeah one of the things those older games did well was using style and what I guess you'd call (in tv/movie terms) production design because they recognized the limitations of their graphics. Little things like the radio scanning installation screen or maps drawn on cafe napkins, CB chatter, etc. One of the great

The preferred term is Kinja-ninja, you bigot!

Interstate 76, a game from 1997 about cars shooting each other in the American desert. I'd forgotten that there was a button you could press to get your comrade-in-arms to recite poetry to you.