Augustus Fink-Nottle

I dreamt I was watching the new Twin Peaks, but it was an entirely different show. Three unrecognizable characters – I think one was secretly a nymph – lived on a villa and fought monsters. In the episode I saw, they fought these sort of burrowing monsters that were disguised as agave plants, when they emerged from

Yeah I'm hoping the author is misinformed, but Kinja was bought by Univision and I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to put it in place across the board, regardless of whether or not it suits individual sites.

The commenting system for all the old Gawker sites. I've never tried to use it, but it looks awful. It only shows a few top comments, everything (I think) goes through moderators before posting, etc.

Maybe AV Club After Dark will take me in.

No. You're going to be stuck in a loop of Bill Maher apologizing for racial slurs until Andie McDowell finally falls in love with Bill Murray.

I only own the Tati boxset and Ordet, but I'll second SBT's recommendations of Seven Samurai, Playtime, and Le Samouraï.

*sings "I Shall Be Released"*

Are we grading our own singing performances now? Well, I'll let you know once I take my shower.

And I'm not sure why she's singled out when Antoine Fuqua picked Avatar and Slumdog Millionaire.

I wish I could see Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou. They're touring Europe at the moment. I'd love to have seen Prince Nico Mbarga, too.

Sorry, Ege.

James Booker, one-eyed junkie New Orleans pianist.
Louis Armstrong with the Hot Fives
Hank Williams
Patsy Cline
Townes Van Zandt

And then Christian Pulisic scored two goals.

The U.S. for reasons that probably make sense to someone are playing a WC qualifier in Denver, despite apparently not training at altitude. Both they and T & T are just jogging around at half speed most of the time. A pretty lackadaisical affair. A goal or more daisies (how else does one become more daisical?) would




PSA: Cancel all your chicken-kissing plans, there's been a salmonella outbreak.

I just got an upvote from a porn bot named Martina Strider. Stridemother lives!

That's because Obama doesn't care about the troops and had them staying at military bases instead of in fabulous Trump® brand hotels.