Augustus Fink-Nottle

He's just new to looking up tentacle porn and tweeting simultaneously.

Hey, it's a Run the Series about the Fraser/Weisz The Mummy movies! I might actually be interested in a cinematic universe if they were in the adventure serial style of those movies.

You mean you don't just comment on TV reviews in lieu of seeing a therapist? Have I been doing the CZ wrong this whole time?

"Such a Parcel of Rogues in a Nation" by Bobby Burns

Possibly. I didn't know this was a Theresa May thing until looking up running through wheat fields.

Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?

I was related to everyone but the (possible) sugar cane farmers. They would've likely been displeased had they saw us, because it was several members of my soccer team running around between games during a weekend tournament. I know we chewed on some cane, but we might not have actually run through their fields.

Just cotton and corn (maize). Maybe beans and sugar cane, too.

I have no definite opinion, which I guess marks me as a certain kind of Beatles fan.

Is that Billy Eichner's character? I remember him being pretty divisive, but probably not any more so than Eichner usually is. They don't use him all that much, if I remember right.

I've been meaning to try Banks sometime, too.

There's no cream for being a talentless genius.

I recognized it, in part because I saw an interview where Jack White talked a bit about it being adopted by various supporter groups in Europe. This article traces it back to Club Brugge.

The top 3 ("Penny Lane","Strawberry Fields", "A Day in the Life") might be right.


Why in the world would you dock points from Beatles songs for not making sense? Sense isn't really their strong suit.

I've never seen him play, but I'm under the impression he's more of a wingback than the current options and he should be coming into his own just as Monreal is winding down (and perhaps transitioning to playing on the left side of a back three).

I like him as a player, I'm just not sure where he fits in Wenger's scheme if Dat Guy Welbz is healthy and Sanchez stays, especially if either of the two big rumored players – Mahrez and Mbappé – come in. Things will be awfully crowded, especially if Iwobi and The Jeff are to play a bigger role next season.

Are they called "dog watches" because they are cur-tailed?