Augustus Fink-Nottle

Can their characters be on a Royal Navy ship during the Napoleonic Wars instead of stuck in a modern day cinematic universe and instead of Jekyll and Hyde, be an Irish-Catalan doctor-spy and his friend, a boisterous English captain?

Does Lucas have any children? Do they suffer from caveface?

I assume your list of movies worse than Moon, being sublunary, is subject to change.

Should Paul Ryan know better?


Yeah they're great. Not quite at the level of Willie Nelson's Stardust, for me, but really good.

Here he is as a fancy, sexy pirate!

Don't bring me down!

*google, google, google*


You should. Then you'll finally get that Arrested Development joke.

The Leftovers wouldn't stop kicking SBT's emotions' ass?

(For the record, I had to look up ELO songs because I couldn't think of any off-hand.)

It's an interesting question. I can't get it out of my head.

I really like Paul Simon and Still Crazy After All These Years

I, for whatever reason, have never listened to The Rhythm of the Saints before (but I just now listened to "The Obvious Child" and "The Coast").

I'd do it by watching them all, then assessing them, then organizing them into an ordered list.

Top 5 (Paul) Simon and/or Garfunkel songs? (that's to say, solo or with Garfunkel)