Augustus Fink-Nottle

I've been making my way through Kentucky Route Zero in little bites. Still too early to really assess, but I've enjoyed my time so far.

I think the popularity was based, at least in part, on the meaninglessness of so many of his utterances that use actual words. His denunciations of the press are so perfunctory and devoid of content that people latched on to one that everyone had to admit was nonsense.

After some delays, I finally watched the Champions League final and wished I hadn't. At least fake football is going the way I'd like: cyber-Mourinho stormed out of his second post-match press conference this season and Arsenal won the league with games to spare.

[Giant stage hook pulls SBT off-stage. Gussie exits, pursued by a bear.]

*assumes vaudevillian straight-man voice*

It's essentially a turn-based system that appears to be realtime, a bit like the old Black Isle rpgs. There are rounds in which both sides take an action (I think simultaneously, but there may be modifiers that cause certain characters to have priority), but that all plays out behind the veil, as it were. Skills are

Just flip between the two every five minutes and see if something coherent comes out.


Kentucky Route Zero seems pretty good, but my decision to only play it late at night is probably slowing things down. Still, it feels like that kind of game.

Do androids dream of electric sheep? Is it a cheap conceit?


Of course. I've lost count of the number of times I've burnt down Augusta National Golf Club and killed all its owners.

This probably isn't of interest to anyone, but NPR did a show about the the jazz hall in my hometown that's over a hundred years old. Street view of the Dew Drop Dance and Social Hall. It's not a very big place.

What's the over/under on number of comments before the Bill Maher racial slur newswire gets shut down? Can I still place my bet? Who is the AVC bookie?

I didn't. They have done Chicago movie location videos before, I remember one about Cabrini-Green and Candyman from a few years ago, but that may have been a one-off.

I really doubt Wenger would sell him to another EPL team. A return to Italy is possible, too. Hopefully we'll never know.