Augustus Fink-Nottle

I wasn't sure if he showed up anywhere outside New Orleans. He was in a movie of some sort in the 1960s and I think the first iteration of his show might have been around then too. I think the 80s may have been a revival and he'd still appear in local commercials and such into the 90s.

I was very young in the 80s, but have vague recollections of Morgus the Magnificent and his assistant Chopsley. He would show B movies, do little skits, sing snippets of opera, etc.

I don't think they always do it that way. I saw this one earlier than I usually do, so they might always do it and I just catch them late enough that I don't notice.

But can you get pregnant from sitting on a tractor in only a swimsuit?

Sure. I'll probably decide tonight or tomorrow and let you know.

Now I remember you saying De Stijl was your favorite White Stripes album and wonder if you're just a Dutch nationalist or if you really like it.

You can't go back to Constantinople, Semi.

Things are getting precarious for Yertle way up there at the top.

I probably won't get Owlboy, but it is pretty and I've heard good things.

I probably ought to start a PoI rewatch.

Defenestrate, please

Kentucky Route Zero?

Don't Think Twice was pretty good. I also saw GotG 2 and it was pretty good. And then I came on here and reviewed them pretty good.

Remember that day they were something else without any explanation and then reverted to ClickHole without any explanation? I don't even remember what they changed their name to now.

You know that episode in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn where Jim and Huck are floating downriver into unfamiliar territory and they're stuck with two dangerous conmen with delusions of grandeur who have commandeered their raft?