Augustus Fink-Nottle

Derby day.

Why does it have to be romantic, you bigot?! What about asexual domestic partnerships? I suppose you won't let them on your mountain. Shuffle them off to some backwoods holler, probably, with all the moonshiners and miscreants and bears shitting everywhere and rain-sodden pornography stashes of the last generation's

Bringing Surveys Back, Pt. 2

My hirsute, homosexual Duke of Brittany is now known as Ralf the Bear.

The fear is more that this will be the Werther effect than the Streisand.

1. You can't use the kitchen facilities at Disney. They make the food.
2. That isn't how biology works.

I watched the first episode of Dear White People. Parts of it were pretty clunky – even beyond the necessary exposition – but the performances, especially by lead Logan Browning, just about make up for it. Maybe in the B- range. I feel like it could improve a lot after the first episode.

I kind of wish Ignatiy had just spent the whole column talking about Peter Lorre's hands.

Probably. Works better than "choppedandscreweduccino". Cappuccinos take their name from being the color of Capuchin habits, but the Trappists don't wear purple drank colored habits, they wear grey.

But "Amie" is a classic!

Finish the last of the Welsh fairytales I'm reading and maybe get something else from the library. I might start Dear White People even though the episodic version does not, to my knowledge, feature the CZ's own Forgetting Sarah Connor (I think I'm remembering right and he was an extra in the film).

Ground up Cistercian monks give it its flavor.

I think The General is a better movie and Steamboat Bill, Jr. a funnier one.

The Leningrad Codex is the basis for the BHS I used in all my classes.

I've played Slime Rancher and it's fun enough. It's pretty low-key and you get to wander around exploring a bright, colorful world. It's enjoyable and fairly relaxing. One problem with it (a bit like Stardew Valley in this regard) is that you don't really have any overhead and so while you don't have to worry about

Probably a few runs in the excellent roguelike dungeon crawler Unexplored. The dungeon generation is great (RPS did an article about it here) and I find the combat pretty enjoyable.

Patti Smith, too.