Augustus Fink-Nottle

Savior of the universe; he's a miracle; king of the impossible; he's for everyone of us; he'll save every one of us, every man, every woman, every child with a mighty flash. Just a man, with a man's courage, you know he's nothing but a man.

RIP CSI: Cyber

Not So Funny When Pingu Dies?

7'1" and 5/8ths

I've never done that, nor t-t-taken up a Tim Tam.

Yeah, you just stack 'em up in boxes. I'm sometimes afraid a roach or some other little critter will eat them when I'm not looking, but that hasn't happened yet.

I have many Penguins.

They get some good freelancers in too, like the guy that does the action film retrospectives.

C+.C+. Dowd? Yeah that wasn't really fair to him. I was guilty of it too.

Pornographic domestic drama idea: couple in the midst of an argument decide to have sex with each other instead in The Bone of Contention.

Did you guys hear about that new hero going around fighting crime acting really well, the Coon? Oh my gosh guys, the Coon is so cool!

Well national parks are pretty hard to build and have weird requirements, if I remember right.

"remarkable young women live ads comparative sex and sex in the absence of obligation is looking out for you then."

Honestly, I wouldn't mind Casemiro getting a red for his scissors from behind either. Maybe it's a hangover from the Coleman injury, but they really need to do more to cut out dangerous tackles. It may ruin or unbalance some games in the short term, but there's no place for it and the players will adjust.

Good bit of reading in various books. A few sitcoms (30 Rock, Fawlty Towers). Caught El Clásico on delay (and already spoiled on the final scoreline).

It was an excellent game and with the treatment Messi received from Madrid, it had the added bonus of feeling like justice was served. It's especially a shame in Marcelo's case because he's an excellent player otherwise. This will be a weird season if Barça fail to win anything after their miraculous escapes against

Gussie Reads The Mabinogion