Augustus Fink-Nottle

We never were able to see who was flying the plane. Maybe Busto 2.0 used it deposit himself inside the Blob and corrupt it. The Blob might just be soft boy of great power, bent to Busto 2.0's evil will.

OVO vs. The Blob is the internet televisual event of the year!

The juice-jacking aspect of cyber may be too tough even for him.

But without Elijah Mundo, who will protect you from juice-jacking?

I think at least part of it was he wanted to have Boromir blow his horn to alert the Fellowship like Roland does Charlemagne's army in The Song of Roland. It's been awhile since I read it, but maybe he thought having it happen off-screen worked better for that purpose. Directly echoing Roland's death would be a bit

Early 90s were not a good era of kit design.

And especially against a player as intelligent in his movement as Agüero, that confusion could be costly. Still, nice I suppose to theoretically have the option and both Gabriel and Holding getting a game is a plus.

I don't remember anything of Ian Wright as a player. Games were pretty hard to catch over here back then. In fact, this clip of him crying at meeting an old teacher is about all I know of him.

Certainly. And Ox did look pretty good in his role. But it still looked pretty fragile. The defense on set pieces was especially poor – I remember at least two relatively free headers backpost headers that put the ball back into the six.

And his little aside about the dull Apple-inspired futures of recent sci-fi is on point.

And I think Dr. Dre supports Liverpool, or at least he did during the Gerrard years.

But is he also unconvinced by 3 at the back?

I've never seen it.

Because everyone loves Firefly!

Digable Planets, Novos Baianos, Connie Francis

Poor Jack Wilshere broke his fibula and will miss the rest of his loan season at Bournemouth.

Recently rewatched The Fellowship of the Ring. Underrated aspect: Viggo Mortensen's piety (perhaps pietas captures better what I mean). It mostly manifests itself through a series of gestures – touching his breast after carefully replacing the shards of Narsil, a hand to his forehead and lips at the death of Boromir,

I always wait for NTTRJ or sometimes, I think, Lloyd to tell me when to move.

It may be my least favorite Wes Anderson that I've seen. It had its moments.