Augustus Fink-Nottle

Philodotus the physician cured a melancholy king that thought his head was off, by putting a leaden cap thereon; the weight made him perceive it, and freed him of his fond imagination. A woman, in the said Alexander, swallowed a serpent as she thought; he gave her a vomit, and conveyed a serpent, such as she

As was "Lost Highway".

I'd guess MTV doesn't pay him to write about sports. Looking at his author page for them, he hasn't.

No no no. His soccer and sumo wrestling writing was the best sportswriting on the internet.

Stromare and Keanu! Søld!

I can't imagine a more boring name than Charlie Hunnam.

If it's like a Royal Rumble, I could see The Pebble as a late entrant that dominates for awhile and everybody has to team up to put him out.

Ooh, fancy!

Fancy that!

He becomes a highway?

I haven't seen it yet, he doesn't catch on fire and collapse, does he?

In the past few weeks (yt links underlined):
Jorge Ben - Brazilian musician, I've been gradually expanding out of my Os Mutantes/Gal Costa/Caetano Veloso bubble. Força Bruta (full album, 1970)

Imarhan, another Tuareg band, are also good. Title track from the album they released last year.

I had bags of milk at school growing up in Louisiana in the 90s. You could angle the straw and pound on the bag to shoot other kids.

"We have to hurry, brothers. The devil has a robot!"

Ripley, believe it or not.

James Agee is well worth your time. At least, Let Us Now Praise Famous Men and A Death in the Family are. I'm not sure if the LoA edition would have Walker Evans photographs or not, but they're worthwhile too. Agee's film criticism is supposed to be good, but I've only read an essay he wrote on silent film (which

Ege! Good to see you haven't caught on fire and collapsed.