Augustus Fink-Nottle

SG! Good to see you haven't caught on fire and collapsed.

Reality tv show idea: Joanie Loves Tchotchke - Erin Moran shops for mantelpiece decorations

For what it's worth, Agee's script is in his film writing Library of America edition (there's another edition that collects some of his fiction and Let Us Now Praise Famous Men). If you really wanted to, I suppose you could compare the two.

I'll have to give it a think. I will say, as good as "Sinnerman" is, I really wish it would stop showing up in movies and tv shows. I don't want to get sick of it. Also, "Stars" on Bojack made me think for a while the season finale was better than it probably actually was.

That is fun!

They will occasionally find their way into rivers around here, probably a few get into Lake Pontchartrain, too (which is actually a brackish estuary and not properly speaking a lake). I don't believe I've ever seen one in the wild, though.

Not particularly. They were good in the 70s (the '74 team is the only one to go undefeated and win the Superb Owl) and then again in the Dan Marino era they were good to decent without ever winning an Owl. I don't really watch football anymore, but they apparently made the playoffs for the first time in a long time

I guess maybe that cameraman could be considered curious about the Dolphin (cheerleader). Or maybe cheerleaders in themselves are curious.

Though I can see the usefulness of props, the impeller and hydrojet set-up poses considerably less risk to marine wildlife like the stately manatee or curious dolphin.

Did they put a bunch of baby blue and light pink pegs in the back of their car and complain about how much everything depended on rolling good careers at the beginning?

As bad as they looked (beyond a few moments from Pulisic and Nagbe), I'll take the point too. They're in the playoff spot at the moment which would mean home and away with the 5th place Asian team.

Yeah, probably.

Blergh. That was an ugly game U.S. and Panama played.

And pyramids filled with grain!

Have a little faith! Trump will come in ahead of schedule and under budget.

Vou ter que escutar esses. Em uma nota não relacionada, eu tenho alguma moeda brasileira que meu pai trouxe de volta de seu tempo trabalhando lá. Eu realmente gosto da nota de cinco reais e estou usando isso como um marcador para o meu livro.