Augustus Fink-Nottle

I had an NES (with PowerPad and Beam Gun, or whatever the Duck Hunt gun was called) and N64. Maybe one of the reasons I give a lot of PC games the nod is because I've been able to play them again as an adult. I didn't play Darklands at all until a few years ago. But it's probably just because they're better and my

I took a nap today and dreamed I lived in a French hotel. For some reason the only books I took with me were the Bhagavad Gita and a Norwegian novel I read almost a decade ago (Out Stealing Horses). I think I may have been in a bad relationship or something. Anyway, I wandered around the hotel and listened to

I still don't like him, I just dislike the system more.

Aww, you hate to see Calipari and his paid lackeys dedicated student athletes lose like that.

Whoa, Angel rebooted the premise and several major characters' haircuts.

Yeah I think this could end up be a very good era, too. As you say, there's a lot of designers that are emulating older games and because of digital distribution and crowdfunding, they can actually get those games made. Sometimes it leads to overambitious designs that aren't necessarily better than the original

Videogames 1990-present. Far too many of them. Honorable mentions in parentheses and no italics because I didn't feel like doing all those tags. 2017 pick will probably change and I never finished Chrono Trigger as my computer emulating it crashed (so it gets relegated to HM). I think I replaced most of the

97-01 was really good in my opinion. You had a couple of the last great adventure games (prior to the recent resurgence) in Curse of Monkey Island and Grim Fandango, some of my favorite Final Fantasy games (FF7, Tactics, FF10), weird boundary-pushing PC strategy games in X-COM: Apocalypse, Homeworld, and Alpha

I'm trying to come up with one just from 1990 on (I'm a bit older than that) and I've come to the conclusion that 1997 may be the best year in videogame history.

Does Amy Acker dress up as a demonic showgirl again? Asking for a friend.

It is better than Frankenstein (Shelley's youth tells a bit against it, I feel). I've never read all of Endymion or the two Austen novels published posthumously that year (Northanger Abbey and Persuasion). So, maybe.

Is the last season Angel worth seeking out? I'm not going to finish it before it goes off Netflix, but I'll start it I suppose if it is good.

Cars, that is, not tiny fascist demagogues.

I used to have one of those.

How would Inside Llewyn Davis have been different if "Dang Me" had been his signature song instead of "Hang Me"?

They actually made some rule changes, like widening the lane, to try and counteract his dominance. He had a high usage rate and would average 20+ rebounds some seasons, which I assume included a healthy number of offensive rebs and putbacks.

Favorite rpg party members and protagonists (and villains if you want)?

U.S. beat Honduras 6-0 in a pretty important WC qualifier tonight. Dempsey had a hat trick and Pulisic looked great, including on this assist.