Augustus Fink-Nottle

Yeah it's a little overwhelming at first. The key is to remember that you already have a casus belli against everyone in your league and so there's no need to focus on the marriage game in the first few weeks of a season.

You can only coach one national team at a time (but you can coach both a national and club team), though you could create extra coaches and have them try to walk the ball in against England. You can also, for some reason, when you create your manager, teach them additional languages. That's how Xerxes Hrolfsson came

It's not like Madden and a good deal of it is managing the academy, assigning scouts, choosing tactics, etc. Bigger clubs can be a little bit easier in this regard because you can automate some stuff with capable assistants, like, say, not negotiating with every individual in need of a new contract on the youth team

I'll have to check, but Stankonia F.C. is probably in the game.

There's just one more of them. You're the 17th manager in this year's iteration and you have to defeat the other 16 to absorb their power and ascend Football Mountain.

It's also on sale. I doubt I make it through the weekend.

Speaking of that, it feels like a lot of movies don't dress sets like they used to. So many spaces are uncluttered to the point of not feeling lived in. Like you say, Roger Rabbit and Back to the Future don't just use those shots to establish verisimilitude of places, they also do good work at characterizing the

Football Manager 17 is having a free weekend on Steam. I fell into a deep hole last night with my polyglot Iranian/Icelandic Arsenal manager. Lots of injuries to key players so far, so that's accurate.

I'll defend Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (maybe not over Die Hard, but in general terms). Bob Hoskins was a great noir detective. He wasn't cool like Bogey or Dana Andrews, but that's what I liked most about him. He was a mostly sad, lonely man, but he came out of his shell sometimes and let cracks of what he might

Like seven&sevens?

Including, I think, a new song a cover of The Motels (I don't know them).

Have you considered AC repair?

Forthright, unformidable, forefathered, uh be-quadricepsed.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Pursue sexual relationships with all your professors.

Yeah I'll second taking notes by hand, it helps a lot.

Poor Kristaps!

But is it better than Faith?

Think of how much easier it would be to talk to people if you still could!