Augustus Fink-Nottle

Because of Obamacare, mostly.

Don't worry, Dave. It happens to lots of guys.

Say the whole word next time!

Can I have your watch when your AVC account is dead?

3. Hannah & Her Sisters and Secondhand Lions 2: Thirdhand

Hey it's Lucha Underground on Netflix! Can't say I was expecting that.

Also, RIP Chuck Berry.

Goes to show you never can tell.

I'm sad they cut the part where the Ambersons join together to save that Mexican village from bandits.

Unordered: Seinfeld, Curb, Community, Andy Griffith, Arrested Development.

Attn Steamers (surely there's a better name): Motorsport Manager has a week-long free demo available. I don't really know much about it, but it seems pretty well regarded.

Did you successfully guess the score for music, too?

That may be the right episode. I watched them in pretty quick succession and they sort of bled into one another.

It's pretty great. It's also the only one of those I've seen, so I guess it gets my vote.

Sounds like that sleepover I went to in the 5th grade. Except we didn't play Zelda, probably Goldeneye instead.

Yeah it's great.

But on the other hand, I'd watch a show that was just Alyson Hannigan and Amy Acker hanging out with each other.

"Arf, arf psycho," may be the worst line anyone has ever written.

That's where I got it as well. I remember talking about either that compilation specifically or Analog Africa generally and you posting that link. I think we may have been talking about Orchestre Poly-Rhythmo de Cotonou originally.