Augustus Fink-Nottle

I've posted the song, I believe. I know I haven't posted the album as I didn't know it existed before today. I first heard the song on African Scream Contest, a good Analog Africa compilation.

I like the passive-aggressiveness directed at the spoilerphobes in the Rogue One article.

It came around just in time for me to justify spending birthday money on it. Seems pretty good, maybe not as essential as Way of Life, Old Gods/Sons of Abraham (I think they might overlap a bit in mechanics, maybe). Like Way of Life it adds some fun downtime stuff to mess around with when you aren't marrying,

And Brad Guzan hasn't even arrived yet. Hopefully him joining a domestic team means the international retirement of Nick Rimando (I assume that's why he's still number 3). We need some new blood, Bruce!

But on the other hand, the Tanist is a pretty cool title.

TV - Angel/Buffy up through "Storyteller". It was an interesting contrast with the S5 finale with Giles pragmatism and doing what he did there because it wouldn't fit with Buffy's story – "She's not like us, she's a hero" – and Andrew using the same stories of Buffy's heroism to avoid action and the truth about

Tanistry can be a little hard to manage. My Norwegians (who recently became kings of Denmark) elected one of my idiot sons for some reason, but he fortunately died of food poisoning after about a year or so. Gavelkind (and being an unreformed pagan) is making it hard to get any momentum going.

I'm not actually sure.

Cuba Gooding, Jr. gets another haircut.

RIP James Cotton, harmonica player with Howlin' Wolf and Muddy Waters

And can we talk about how fantastic YNB looks?

Things I Haven't Written

Goes to show you never can tell.

*Duckwalks, ambivalently*

Supposedly Iceland was discovered when a ship sailing for the Faroes was blown off course.

In other news, the Fightin' Fink-Nottles beat the (somewhat less) Fightin' SGs 22-9. A sophomore F F-N, Antoine Duplantis, had 7 RBIs on 6 (!) hits.