Augustus Fink-Nottle

I was worried that they'd start explaining things, but it seems as if they just make the world weirder.

Iggy's John Wick 2 review has me excited.

This is way too specific to be improvised.

An Out of Africa tv show, just the shot in the arm the thinkpiece industry needs!

Ted Danson can, at least, kick puppies into the sun in a way that doesn't immediately reveal that he's evil.

'Member S-Club 7 in Miami? That was briefly a thing on tv.

I was under the impression EASY D was a gay bar, not a grade.

He can't ask Twitter because that would be to admit publicly that he didn't know. Remember, it isn't important to know things, it's important to appear as if you know things (not that he does).

Ye-men. It's what Kanye calls his entourage. Obama wasn't allowed to join.

FOC: Terror in Atlanta

Land of Mine a movie about German POWs clearing landmines in Denmark. I hope the entire movie was made just for the sake of the pun.

They're also wondering why she wasn't even in the situation room and if she okayed the raid without sufficient planning merely to satisfy her vanity and make a splash in her opening weeks in office.

I like the way she uses her podium as weapon with which to charge down reporters. If I were a humorless, think-piece writing pedant I'd say she's beating them with the only symbol of her authority and turning it into literally a bully pulpit, but since I'm not, I'll say that it is a funny bit of physical comedy.

The book is supposed to be good, but the movie was anything like it, apparently.

MSG Allergy: The Phantom Pain