Augustus Fink-Nottle

Fortunately Trump will have ruined things long before any of those kids grow up to have their future stunted by poor education.

1. Star Trek is the only one I can think of.
2. I don't want any professional laughers to lose their jobs.
3. Marry Poppins. A cat would be better than her.
4. Keeps Martin Short employed.
5. Yes but how many worlds?
6. No. The most underrated actors don't have a single post about their underratedness.
7. Sometimes.
8. He

I'm sure WET already exists on the internet and shows something else.


I foolishly thought typing < code > would allow me to type the spoiler code.

spoiler in angle brackets

I keep clicking on these hoping it will be a clip of a bearded Timothy Omundson as King Richard and keep being disappointed.

Either my grandparents stockpiled them or they are still available for purchase (in Natchez, MS at least).

Whenever a stranger reaches out his hand to another stranger and says, "Hello brother," that's October 19th DillaDay.

Peach Nehis are gross. You shouldn't name a band after them.

I'm about to go to bed and can't stay up with you all until midnight and the arrival of October 19th Claus. Maybe this year he'll give us good gifts like socks or a bicycle and not a disappointing tv season like he did that one time.

Little hand. heheh.

To be fair, I'd watch with either one.

I just want to watch Alex Kerkovich interact with a mountain lion.

One of my issues with the Jackson LotR is that not only does he have Sam and Frodo fight, but they do it over lembas. For shame, Peter! For shame!

The mead of poetry is fun.

You wouldn't drink health to the king and lasting peace?