Augustus Fink-Nottle

Quick heads-up: I will not be committing to this bit enough to post this song every morning. There's enough gaslighting going on without any contributions on my part.

Hmm. I haven't been following much of the Malta stuff, though I've heard and read a bit about it. I don't think all those issues are of a piece; e.g. traditionalists on Catholic sexual ethics might not necessarily be anti-refugee, etc. even if Burke is.

Jeff Gordon drowned? That is a bombshell!

1. Groundhog Day
2. Autumn Sonata
3. Rogue One

I thought making his speech ostensibly about Black History Month mostly about the slight annoyances a rich white man has experienced in the past few weeks was a nice touch.

I probably ought to watch that sometime. I liked The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.

The Trump presidency

Always a plus.

Business idea: Trendy, pop-up pastry shop open for only one month a year called "April is the Cruller Month."

Kids love Judd Hirsch. It will help them hit that 18-29 demo.

It appears it was actually released in 2015. I remember first seeing the AVC review last year, so maybe it wasn't a wide release initially

I may possibly recommend Ixcanul if I ever remember to finish watching it.

Sure. She just needs a dame or an orphan to motivate her.

She doesn't have that Barton Fink feel?