Augustus Fink-Nottle

I first heard "Deportee/Plane Wreck At Los Gatos" recorded by Old Crow Medicine Show on a compilation put together, strangely enough, by Janet Reno, Song of America. I believe it came up on Pandora or something.

They could at least have had the decency to have an attorney come up with bogus statements about him suddenly changing his mind like Harper Lee's publishers did (not that I'm still mad about that).

I'm really glad that so many of the Fellowship still seem to be friends.

"I Could Have Told You So" from Dylan's new album of covers (lots of Sinatra and Billie Holiday). I, for one, find these twilight jazz covers he's doing moving, the bands are pretty good, and you can tell he has a lot of affection for the material. Liking Dylan is probably a pre-condition for caring about this,

The original X-COM is free on Humble (redeems on Steam) for the next day or so. I remember spending a good deal of my childhood hiding scared in a cornfield with a bunch of men with Guile-hair, listening to the Beatles and being killed by aliens. I played it again a year or so ago and there's still fun to be had.

I had (mercifully) forgotten all about the awful song playing over the opening sequence of Groundhog Day.

I've heard of him, but don't remember ever seeing him play. I didn't know he was on Sutton.

How excited are you for the game away at Sutton United?

Are you secretly Kimmy Schmidt?

I like to think Trumpism carries the seeds of its own demise (also that being a perpetually angry, overweight 70 year old carries the seeds of his demise), but I have no idea how long until that will come about. One of the biggest worries is that one of the few checks on them (besides their own incompetence) is

Speaking of "Fuck 2016", I found out recently that Madeleine Lebeau, the actress that plays the French girl Yvonne and the last living member of the cast, also died in 2016.

I did. It was some good shirt.

I finished The Good Place which is definitely not this year's The Grinder and will certainly be coming back next year. It was really good. Also watched some Buffy/Angel and 30 Rock.

The Hold Steady's "Stevie Nix' off Separation Sunday has the lyrics "Oh to be seventeen forever" and "Oh to be thirty-three forever." The first is, I suppose, a reference to "The Edge of Seventeen." The latter is, I think, an allusion to the speculation by the medieval Scholastics that the body in the Resurrection

"Troubled in a cheap year"