Augustus Fink-Nottle

Will there be amiibos?

I read all your comments in Keanu voice, Dave.

But will Nightcrawler be the best like he was in the arcade game?

Also known as a Reverse-Sisyphus*

'Member when all we were worried about was falling into a swirling funnel of tronced content?

You say that now, but will you feel the same when all our sheep get scrapie, we hide them from government inspectors, and through a series of mishaps end up all lying on top of each other naked in a snow cave to stave off hypothermia?

*sadly slides down pile of walnuts cascading from closet*

I'm looking forward to the scene where your brother accidentally flicks a manhole cover at you, taking your last bit of health, so you punch him and leave the room.

RIP Butch Trucks, one of the Allman Brothers Band drummers.

As far as it goes, I think the author was part of the Emerging (or Emergent) Church movement, a sort of loosely defined buzzword for a somewhat more progressive, mostly evangelical trend that was pretty influential in the 00s (not sure of its standing now). They were big on asking provocative(-ish) questions, usually

I think I've heard of it, but never seen it.

Ain't that just the way?