Augustus Fink-Nottle

To be clear, Burton doesn't say that Willie Nelson quotes Rabelais and in fact doesn't seem to know anything about country music.

Weirder "Rixty Minutes"?

The AV Club?

Having him as celebrity Arsenal fan who occasionally gets mentioned or quoted in stories about the team is bad enough.

Maybe I can just change mine to say "Made it really hard for Finn Wolfhard to PM" and achieve a modicum of sense.

Like that time Winona's kid could only communicate through Christmas lights. Made it really hard for Finn Wolfhard to DM.

"Junco Partner" has a pretty long history. It's based on "The Junker's Blues", first recorded by Champion Jack Dupree in the 40s (a song that also was the basis for "The Fat Man", "Tipitina", "Tee-Nah-Nah", etc.)

I've never had sushi and wanted to spend way too much money on a trip to Japan and an impossible to get reservation.

I still haven't watched season 2.

You say that as if the subject in question didn't also sweat bullets over the Kristen Stewart and R Patz relationship.

I always enjoyed their Dylan-y cover of Sonny Bono's "Laugh at Me".

And it was written by Shel Siverstein.

Don't drink the Roundtine! Yay-yay!

A lot fighting aliens in XCOM 2. Part of it while listening to the McElroys' D&D campaign in The Adventure Zone. It started slow but is beginning to pick up and become a lot of fun.

In part because the upper classes did by and large speak French to each other. It was a time, as an thoroughly enjoyable Marc Fumaroli book has it When the World Spoke French (NYT review of that book). I think it was a way for the nobility to feel cosmopolitan and more European (quite a lot of Russian cultural

Garcæus, de judiciis geniturarum, cap. 33, hath a memorable example of one Thomas Nickell, born in the city of Brandenburg, 1551, "that went reeling and staggering all the days of his life, as if he were to fall to the ground, because his mother being great with child saw a drunken man reeling in the street."

I'm reading The Anatomy of Melancholy by Robert Burton this month, just like I will every month until the end of time.

If the secret of Trump's hair ever got out, there'd be hell toupee.