Augustus Fink-Nottle

Also Pete Overend Watts of Mott the Hoople ("All the Young Dudes" amongst other things).

Well yeah with Donglover gone hanging out with Hobie Doyle for the next year or so, he needs to stay great for a lot longer. Maybe eat some nutella sandwiches to keep his strength.

RIP Maggie Roche

I agree.
1.The foul on Mustafi seemed pretty clear cut.
2. The red was harsh especially given that there were only yellows for the Marney foul on Özil and the kick on Koscielny (which should have been offside) and no cards at all for the elbows to the face of Mustafi.
3. It appeared to me as if there was contact, but

Thoughts? Red? Penalties? etc

Thanks, Eric.

Thanks for posting this. I think in an obscure way he shares some of the same concerns I was trying to get at in my essay. Left unsaid was Auden's earlier contention in "Yeats" that "poetry makes nothing happen" which is similar to questioning the use of irony without a general consensus, in a "post-fact" era. I

You should. Andy Daly is great and Forrest is a sort of Lonelyhearts/Don Quixote figure.

'Member my blog? Neither did I, but then I did and decided to blog a blog on my blog. Anyway here's a post about poison gas, Polish theater companies, cartoon animals, defective zippers, etc. (it kind of got away from me).

Two of Trump's favorite things!

OT: I just realized how much Miss Lonelyhearts is like Forrest MacNeil. So there's that.

It's even been raining all day (not to mention all the woodland creatures shuffling around listlessly in ankle-chains).

The wrong Robin Hood, but this reminds me that I could have been listening to "Not in Nottingham" on repeat all inauguration day, but inexplicably failed to do so.