Augustus Fink-Nottle

But St. Vincent is objectively better than Robert Pattinson. Kristen Stewart came out ahead.

Kenneth knows a Rev. Gary* who is preparing for an apocalypse§. It's the Tina Fey televisual† universe‡!

I too like Walker Percy. I haven't watched enough Larroquette to know if he could pull off Binx Bolling, though.

Narcs are the worst.

But that still doesn't answer how they did that shot with the study room full of Abeds.

Failing Richard tried to falsely give kingdom for a horse. Bad business. I'm a much better deal maker. The best.

I thought about watching Richard III tonight, but somehow seeing a physically repulsive, deceptive tyrant seize power didn't seem appealing.

This ↑. People outside echo chambers don't have anything interesting to say anyway.

Yeah and Barça's Qatar deal is in much the same category.

The "P" will just stand for "Propaganda" in the future.

I think there's a lot of room to criticize Jackson (his LotR to an extent, but even more so The Hobbit), but he always get the Shire completely right. They're my favorite parts of the films.

Azerbaijan, Land of Fire?