Augustus Fink-Nottle

I consider it a marketing category. It's not really a genre in the usual sense because it contains, but doesn't exhaust, genres that may not necessarily be related like SF, fantasy, romance, etc. Often YA stories that have pretty broad appeal and would have been considered general fare in generations past.

Failing decadent Chuck should have spent less time writing about evil flowers and more time not dying! SAD!

I do too. I watched a lot of it and Inspector Gadget as a kid (though I think it took me awhile to figure out it was Don Adams in both).

2016 missed him by that much.

How do you feel about The Penguins, The Moonglows, The Orioles, and The Five Satins?

I hate blue Monday, have to work like a slave all day. Here comes Tuesday, oh Tuesday, I'm so tired, got no time to play. Wednesday come and I'm beat to my socks; my gal come, I had to tell her that I'm out. Thursday is a hard working day and Friday I get my pay.

I'm of the same opinion. I also suspect that he won't want to re-sign without Özil (but Özil may re-sign without him, though perhaps not without Wenger).

Alexis, big deal or not?

First song you loved that you still at least sort of like?

Semi-recollected Bamyasıan?

(in italics)
[which I recently found out is also a seemingly abandoned facebook group which glaz and some people I'm not sure I know are a part of]

I like to tell people Gogol is my favorite Southern writer and I'm only sort of joking when I do so.

Dirty red.

Earlier in the week I started The Peregrine by J.A. Baker and Black Boy by Richard Wright. Not too far into Black Boy yet, so I'll hold off on talking about it. The Peregrine is an intensely observed account of a man tracking peregrines through fields and fens in Essex estuaries over the course of a winter and

We're a few tweets closer to nuclear war.


It's a Winonaissance!

Bell peppers, onion, and celery are the holy trinity of Cajun cuisine. Usually the spices are red and black pepper, but I like to add some Mediterranean herbs like thyme and oregano and occasionally rosemary to make it taste a little fresher and more complex. I've never had paella, but it looks something like this