Augustus Fink-Nottle

We should deny 2016 entrance into country world, at least until we know what is going on.

Surely 2017 will be better, right?

The penultimate episode of every season will be the protagonist running around collecting meaningless doodads so he can get one hundred percentage completion after the final fight.

Ever feel like you're a baby iguana and the Trump presidency is a seaside cliff filled with snakes?

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot

Are there any turtles in China we can talk about instead?

I did not. Tulane is pretty popular university for graduate work, I believe. I think it is also glaz's alma mater.

Joke's on you! I didn't go to my local library, I went to the slightly larger one in the next town over. Boy, don't you have egg on your face!

I went to the library today to check out Rashomon and The Duelists. I decided to get Heaney's Beowulf to console myself. I think the next few months will probably be a run through of the old favorites and less time on the internet (outside of here).

I sure hope he doesn't institute hereditary monarchy and pass the throne to Jr.

I don't think so. I'm not a Catholic and don't really know much about it, but I don't think they have lay brothers or tertiaries or anything. Wikipedia says there's ~16,000 Jesuits in the world. They're a lot smaller than other Catholic orders of comparable fame, I think.

Becoming a Jesuit takes a really long time (like 8 or more years), but that still might be shorter than the Trump presidency.

The same way we've always done it: psychotropic drugs snuck into the water supply.

You can't simultaneously be unhappy and watch Chico Marx play the piano. You have to choose one or the other.

Buster Keaton and the Marx Brothers
The Last Waltz
M. Hulot's Holiday

I thought about starting up LotR again after your remark about being here with us at the end of all things. I need to probably spend some time in the Shire at least.