Augustus Fink-Nottle

I'm only 12 years old and I like this GJI. Too many of my generation don't get it!

We had a brief dip into quasi-fall weather in which I was able to keep my window open, potter about in pajama pants and slippers, start watching Over the Garden Wall again, but then it disappeared.

I'm feeling ok. I'm bummed the weather isn't feeling very autumnal at the moment (80º F/ ~27ºC).

The Glorious Return of Gussie's Somewhat Spooky Song of the Day

I've never been able to listen to that all the way through. I usually turn it off before I even get to the lyrics.

I'm not entirely sure how far they got. They were on foot and left sometime Monday night/Tuesday morning, so not that far. They were spotted from the road not too long after I posted the news article and then there was a lengthy process before they actually found and got to them. They set up a perimeter and were

My cousin and the girl were found in the woods tonight and both are now back with their parents.

I suppose it wouldn't hurt to post this over here. My 14 year old cousin, Josh, ran away from his home in Kilgore, TX yesterday. The girl that is still missing is a friend of his and they think they're traveling together. They've also set up and instagram with pictures and descriptions of them.

I think his covered his ears and the guy warned him he was close.

There was a group that would come to my university once a month and hand out his tracts. One of my roommates talked to one (of the group, that is, not the tracts) and tried to figure out precisely how long he could let his hair grow before being damned.

You just need to photoshop a little tongue of flame over its head lid.

Also apparently Macy's is "weak on border security", but on the other hand entrusting that to a department store was probably a mistake on our part.

"If amazon ever had to pay fair taxes, its stock would crash and it would crumble like a paper bag. The washingtonpost scam is saving it!

Someone should write a country song about that.

But can he balance his professional life with the pressures of being a mom!?

Woah! Huge slam on selkies out of nowhere.

I have not.