Augustus Fink-Nottle

Hollis Brown is a loser! Bad blood got mare a lame excuse. I have the best South Dakota farm. Really tremendous.

Well there's a good deal of confusion of terms and they are often used pretty loosely which is unfortunate because not all of the Religious Right is evangelical - conservative Catholics make up a good size part, for example - and not all evangelicals are part of the Religious Right. That said, a lot of folks that

Mopey Mistral didn't deserve 1904 Nobel! Who reads Provençal anyway? Sad!

Henryk Sienkiewicz overrated. With Fire and Sword's Pan Zagłoba is just pale, imitation Falstaff! Sad.

For what it's worth, none of the evangelical clergy I know support him and quite a few have denounced him (without endorsing anyone else for the most part).

We get it.

I said this before, but I want a running joke of them dying in increasingly absurd ways like the drummers in This is Spinal Tap

Not enough dead Bothans (wrong Death Star, I know).

I'll never understand your Bowie album-based rating system for movies.

I think so, that sounds familiar. I don't think I read any others despite liking the one I read quite a bit.

The Last Crusade was a great way for the series to end, so I decided to just pretend Crystal Skull didn't exist.

I remember reading a book version (I think it was Indy) where he was in Wales and looking for King Arthur stuff. I think I liked it, but I was a kid and kids like plenty of crap. I don't remember much about the show (or tv movies?).

I only like odd numbered Indiana Jones movies. I dislike the fourth one and never even saw it.

I liked Maus, but it is also the only one I've read all the way through. I need to revisit it sometime.

I don't know that he's my favorite, he was just who came to mind when I decided to misinterpret your question.

Richard Pryor/Maus.

Of baked bean fame?! The ones that own that talking golden retriever? Wow!

That is upsetting.

On the subject, George MacDonald is good too.