Augustus Fink-Nottle

Originally the plan was to save Wind and the Willows to read with any kids I might have- I hear it is wonderful and thought it'd be nice to discover it all together- but I may need to change that plan if I want to read it. Sad!

Never read her. I did get a volume of Burns from the library recently. Unfortunately it's tackily illustrated with a bunch of insipid paintings, occasionally the text is even superimposed on the background images, to the detriment of both. I have no idea why anyone would buy such a thing, maybe it was donated by a

I'm some part Scottish, too.

I've only read a child's illustrated edition of Hound of the Baskervilles. I'll amend that soon.

It's ok. Fun enough, but it does have his awkward attempt to advocate for Jewish emancipation while simultaneously embodying all the worst Jewish stereotypes in Isaac of York.

I actually like what I've read of James Hogg better.

I don't know that I've heard any songs by him.

Probably not, but I really like that song.

I liked In the Loop.

Sir Walter?

I'd never heard of them before. I have a book somewhere about the Scottish Enlightenment and how that fed into Scotland being rather more technologically and intellectually advanced than the rest of the UK in the 19th c. but I'm not sure where it is.

I only really know him second-hand. Jane Austen was a fan; Pride and Prejudice was originally called First Impressions - he separated conceptions into impressions (first somewhat emotional responses that can be hard to get rid of) and true ideas. I think I'm remembering that right.

And he knows "Spanish Ladies"! I like that song.

They also export musical comedy duos.

I rode a train from Bergen to Dale tonight on Netflix. The conductor let me sit right up front and read a book which was especially nice in the tunnels.

Alexander Fleming.

It's insensitive appropriation of daddy culture if he doesn't.

I really hope Gooch becomes a good player for us. I've been missing that cheer since Onyewu retired.