
You too!

No need to apologize for a thoughtful response. I don’t agree with everything you’ve said specifically, but I think in terms of the broad ideas, we agree far more than we disagree.

Bernie didn’t say “the crime bill is the lesser of two evils and I am in favor of it even though it is a difficult thing to pursue.” He said it was unequivocally bad, predicted exactly the bad outcomes we are living today, and argued that it be divorced from good legislation and not passed.

I guess my question is what he or she should do about this. Or does his signing the Crime Bill into law somehow disqualify her from the presidency, in your view?

She said very basically that - that war should be a last resort, that we could not and should not do anything unilaterally or in violation of international law, but we needed some way to make Saddam Hussein comply with weapons inspections - and is not being given 1/10th of the pass you’re giving Bernie for the crime

So wait - Bernie gets credit for seeing the possible damage done by the bill and voting for it anyway?

But Bill Clinton has said exactly what you did, that these programs had enormous support from basically everyone and unfortunately had an adverse effect. He’s also apologized for his role in the mass incarceration of predominantly Black Americans. I’m not sure what else he’s supposed to do, and I’m also not sure you

Is it really that unsolvable when Bernie Sanders voted for the damn thing? It seems like our understanding of complex social issues and violence have evolved, and both Dem candidates should be able to say look, we were up against a horrible crime wave, and we see now that the cure was worse than the disease (and

Oh please. He defended his legacy on the fly to protesters which, while shady, actually has nothing to do with who is currently running for president. And as far as responding to protesters, this is one of the best we’ve seen so far this campaign season. Or are we ignoring the time that St. Bernie snapped “I’ve said

She also donated shit tons of that money to charities, while Sanders “doesn’t believe in charity,” so I don’t think either candidate is untarnished here.

You can get away with it when you’re one of 100 members of a deliberative body. I just don’t think that being that kind of politician translates well into the presidency.

Tomato troll changes his name every day! Don’t be too hard on yourself. Tomato troll is the one thing that can unite Hillbots like me and BernieBros like you in these troubled times. ;)

It honestly looks like her head was pasted onto a totally unrelated body.

I think we need to talk about this truly disturbing photoshop nightmare.

Nah, it happens to everyone. The dedication is too much to keep up with.

Doesn’t the movie “Revenge of the Nerds” dispel that entire notion tho


Still think that Acid Betty’s villain arc and amazing runway style should have saved her (esp against Naomi Smalls), but I am a fully admitted Betty Rupologist.

Girl, that’s SHADE and it’s hilarious!