
No worries sorry if I came off as pretentious, just wanted to clarify. That’s pretty sweet you got to meet him though.

You’d think one of those classes would have taught you something about how people perceive unnecessary gloating, and out of place condescension. Apparently not.

Actually, no. Divine was a DRAG QUEEN. He associated himself as a gay male, and dressed up because he enjoyed it. He was not a transgender or transsexual in any sense of the word.

I understand why you’d think that but the preemptive violence is not what we combat the tyranny with, the violence is a side affect of the precautions we feel to be necessary to ensure that our country remains free. I am an American and can disagree all I want with the legality of firearms and how they are regulated

Because one thing is tasteless fan service and one isn’t. That’s why.

Who is everyone?

I don’t understand what you’re implying.


I don’t see how any person who hasn’t been subjected to some form of terrible abuse during their youth could possibly find this enjoyable. I believe in anyone’s freedom to do what they want with their free time so I do not support the ban, but it is genuinely disturbing that there are a large number of people who get

The ones who play games like this certainly are.

Nothing. You’re missing nothing. Basically it’s like a soap opera with the fakest looking fighting scenes that are scripted and geared towards tweens and people from the south. I was super into it in middle school then I saw what a real fight looked like and lost basically all respect for the “sport”. There is no
