
You must be really fun at parties.

You sound upset.

Edited: Nevermind it was said like 1000 times.

Being a pizza elitist makes you cool. God forbid anyone enjoys something you don’t. God damn peasants.

That’s basil dude and it is supposed to look like that. I genuinely question how you work at a pizza place and don’t know that.

If you don’t hear the prepubescent voices whining during the MP games you may need to get your ears checked because they are everywhere.

If you were intelligent at all you would just stop speaking. You are making yourself look more idiotic with every word you type.

I really don’t know if you’re kidding. But the person who posted those pictures in that thread clearly was.

No I do not think I would find that uncomfortable at all. I still probably wouldn’t play the game but for completely different reasons, none of which having anything to do with morality. I probably just wouldn’t play it because I wouldn’t find it entertaining.

Yea I think thats why it has the propensity to make people uncomfortable. Me included honestly. To each their own though. The Japanese can govern themselves and foreigners are aloud to enjoy whatever form of entertainment they want so long as no one is hurt. And others are free to make judgments about those people and

Mental maturity does differ from person to person, just like physical maturity. However there are absolutes, like the average 16 year old is less mature then the average 17 year old. That is why we make laws. Based on norms, not outliers. Just because a women is ovulating does not mean she should have kids. We aren’t

So laws are more important than morales? With your reasoning people don’t try to bang underage girls because it is illegal, not because it is morally despicable. If you think a most 16 year olds have a good enough grasp on their own psychy and aspirations in life to decide whether she wants to have sexual relations

Just 12 year old breasts.

Because they look like they’re 12.

“Given the inefficiencies of what DC laughingly calls the criminal justice system, I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal.” This was included by him in one of his newsletters when he was running for congress. He also called MLK a lying

Did you ever consider its just the people you know who would have said Battle Royale? Box office numbers for the first two Hunger Games were immensely high in Europe. Specifically UK, France and Germany. Think you’re making highly ignorant generalizations based on little to know actual knowledge... sad

Just let their weeaboo rage burn. The shared premise used in both Battle Royale and the Hunger Games has been repeated about many times and written about before Battle Royale. I swear to god this hipster mentality is making everyone infinitely more stupid.

Your ignorance is showing. Please read the books. They have ONE thing in common. One thing that neither of them were the first to write about; a dystopian future where people are pitted against each other against their will by an authoritarian regime. Battle royale was not the first, and the hunger games will not be

No worries sorry if I came off as pretentious, just wanted to clarify. That’s pretty sweet you got to meet him though.

You’d think one of those classes would have taught you something about how people perceive unnecessary gloating, and out of place condescension. Apparently not.