
Im not on any hormonal BC for the same ragey, weight gainey reasons BUT have had excellent results with my period tracker app.

OVO Ryan, I see you!

BEACH- Bacon, Egg, Avocado, Cheese and Hot Sauce. On a freshly baked and lightly toasted Portuguese roll

Well, it doesnt say the diameter across (unless I missed that part) but the hole itself is more than 7 stories deep. I definitely dont think the pictures do it justice. But for reference, look how small the bulldozers and cranes look!

Even this guy is like, “Eeeehh wince Nope.”

I read this over and over thinking, “When did anything like this happen on Sex and the City???” Im embarrassed for myself.

Sweaty :(

I like this picture of her.

‘Munch, the rape expert, said such inquiries are among the most important aspects of ‘

My, what a beautiful natural skin tone!

Took me a minute too- Jesus fucking Christ.

I could be wrong, (I do not speak any other languages) but my Italian grandfather referred to it as a 'half cup' usually in regards to espresso.

Taste testing fecal samples, duh.

Lazy eye or...?

That and 'Mossy Bank'

I am seriously cracking up. Love when someone uses that term!

Thank you!

Agghhh I didnt see your Chrissy post

This looks awful.. was it microwaved?