
That’s like medieval or some shit.

A girl who was seemingly conceived, incubated, hatched, trained, conditioned and indoctrinated to be an object of sexual desire as the sole purpose of her existence and her only contribution to society is saying that she doesn’t get to be objectified enough? Do I have the right read on this one?

She kicked Cruz’s ass when he tried to do the classic Republican deflect onto “But Hillary’s emails!” and schooled him on the Constitution. Then he slunk away in shame.

like, this was my rent, which I just spent on this thing that’s not happening.

“jade pussy eggs” made me spit out coffee, thank you.

(IIRC it was Jim DeRogatis reminding everyone of the women children he raped and then intimidated into silence that made Kelly a pariah, and not the watersports.)

He really flushed his career away, didn’t he?

R. Kelly: a dude who pissed away every last drop of goodwill there ever was.

Also: shouldn’t Kells have gone on the Do Not Fuck list as soon as the pee tape came out? That was a damn long time ago!

The chance of Nicole Richie having mucked out that chicken coop more than once is about the same as the chance of me waking up tomorrow with a 15" dong growing out of my forehead.

there’s a big difference between supporting the bombs in syria and supporting his foreign policy as a whole.

he resembles a young bald anthony weiner.

Why is Marilyn Manson in the top pic? Anyone?

This gif almost matches this meme (which I can only paraphrase):

Also, dating another person isn’t about “having” who you want, it’s about spending time with someone and building a relationship that satisfies you both.

that’s the thing, anyone who’s hot enough KNOWS they’re hot enough and doesn’t have to run around saying shit about how they could have anyone because they know that everyone else already knows they could have anyone.

Whenever anyone says “I could have anyone I wanted” you know they are delusional and you should very very quickly run very far away.

dating in New York as a 30-something executive in private equity

This isn’t in the story, but I did a little research on her. According to Everipedia, I found out that she is the great-granddaughter of slaves.