
They'll replace him with Jodie Whittaker in the sequel. 

She blames adderall for forgetting she said and did a lot of things. Honey, that's not how adderall works. 

Beaten with the crossword and jumble section of the newspaper every day growing up

I’m probably not going to see this anytime soon. I'm so fucking sick of the joker at this point I'd rather see the Riddler get the same treatment.

I don’t think he needs to be demonized but I don’t think he deserves kudos either. He did the minimum and he covered his own ass so he could sleep at night while maintaining his career and lifestyle. That’s.. what most of us would probably do if our backs were to the wall, if we’re truly honest. 

It really is a shame he dropped out of the Freddy Mercury biopic. It's wild how much he looks like him.

I just looked that up. Thanks for the best laugh I’ve had all day!

People who paid money for “stars” on the Jeremy Renner app should no longer be eligible to vote.

What I thought of Jeremy Renner before this summer: Who? Oh yeah, Hawkeye. Wasn’t he nominated for an Oscar too? Most have some decent acting chops.

Geriatric vampires?

What is this list? No mention of Conan at ALL.

Isn’t he also the kid from the Santa Clarita diet?

Meth is a hell of a drug

When do we get to stop using “necessary” in art criticism? It’s the stupidest thing since Milli met Vanilli

That’d be one way to go. Another might be for the writers to remember that in addition to her magical lesbian empathy with LGBT and kink killers, she’s also a fully trained and credentialed psychologist (or psychiatrist? Not sure.).

Considering the real histories of Wayne Williams and BTK, I wonder if this show’s theme is really that Ed Kemper is right when he points out the BAU’s knowledge is limited to the killers that have been caught. Unlike other shows where profilers win the day, is the Mindhunter theme one of failure?

I liked Carr in the first season when she was interacting with the rest of the team, and had something to do. It’s just a shame that the best thing they could think of to do with her in the second season was this.

I want that Netflix spin off.  Ed and Charlie!  The odd couple but in prison!

Okay, School of Rock doesn’t suck.

Warning Shark