
I am still amazed at the quality disparity between these showrunners' work on LOST and their work on this show. I guess Lindelof was the only thing making them good? Maybe they strive under constraints and given freedom just flounder? I don't know, but it's ridiculous how badly written this show is.

yeah that finale was definitely one of the best things the series has done. and the show has never lived up to it since lol.

"Subsequent legal precedent has established that failure to disclose HIV-positive status, combined with failure to utilize protective measures (condom use), is sufficiently fraudulent behaviour to constitute turning "consensual" sex into aggravated sexual assault, since the other party has been denied the information

Tom lying about information Ella considered crucial to her consent (whether or not he had been tested) means he took away her ability to provide informed consent.

Sexual intercourse without informed consent. This is why cases where people who cannot give informed consent (unconscious, drunk, underage, coerced etc) are considered rape.

He lied to get consent, consent she would not have given if he spoke the truth. In a sense, he coerced consent out of her by lying. And especially egregious when it regards her potential health. Would people be so easy on Tom if what she had contracted from him was an incurable STI?

No, that's bullshit.

yeah and then how she goes after his laptop next like fuck. if i was dating her and she did that, i would not keep dating her lol. that's some abusive shit.

I was kind of disappointed how it wasn't pointed out how messed up it was that Tom did that? Like, it's kind of like… rape by omission? Like he lied about something important to Ella (that they were both clean before having unprotected sex) and she consented to sex with him based on the information that he was clean

every now and then i remember this line and start laughing lol

how does being gay help getting close to Chad tho

well wouldn't be the first time murphy lied out of his ass (see: every other show he makes)

wtf is with straight male characters pretending (and billed as) being gay in this tv season? first quantico and now this. what bullshit.

I will never not be exasperated with this show. It never actually develops anything. Never sets anything up well. Things just /happen/ and that's the show's strategy when it comes to plot. It all just happens.

This is my problem with all of Once's writing. It just does whatever is convenient for itself in any moment and nothing has any actual proper buildup.

Sometimes I still get shocked by the realization that Annalise is the only person who hasn't killed anyone lol

Pretty sure she referred to him as a "boytoy" (as in a younger partner used primarily for sexual gratification by an older partner, primarily an older woman) not as "boy"?

I hope Claire sticks around this time, as she definitely brings a certain quality to the show that I always kind of miss when she's gone. I hope they aren't planning another Season Two with her where she's only back for a couple of episodes.

"Sometimes I wonder what the Murder viewing experience would be like if it were a streaming show that could be binged."

"forces him to become complicit in a clear case of self defense (because he would not have gone to jail because of his actions re: Sam's death)"