
Not sure why you think it has gone down hill. It's more or less the same as it has always been. Not saying that is "good" mind you, but it's definitely not much different.

She said "What did we do", as in, the title of the episode.

"Another flash forward left until next time, was seeing the kids get into the car with Nate, where Wes seems really calm. Maybe this was shot before they had the ending figured out."

It's probably both.

You think the writers only watch shows that are below quality? Yeah, nah. Someone can be a fan of something greater than they themselves can produce.

I think it's because Merlin was tethered to the blade, as in, he had to be forced to do things to whoever had it. But Emma was deliberately turning Hook into the Dark One so that he'd be immortal or whatever, and using the other half of the sword was the only way to do that.

I like Zelena, but I think it's more because of how much fun Rebecca Mader is obviously having.

I don't really like it either, but, then again, I have a hard time caring or being invested in any of the romantic relationships on this show. They just aren't… interesting? I don't know.

Eh, I don't really buy into that.

"“You know how when you were a kid, and you thought you had to grow up and marry a girl and have kids, and how you wanted that? And then you slowly realize that was impossible and everything you’d imagined for your future just fell away? Well now we get to make our own rules.”"

Well, it kind of depends? I know there /are/ open relationships in which the partners seek more than just one-off sex with strangers.

I was kinda hoping the episode title would be "Adele" since that's what they ate.

They seem to be laying it on thick this season, too. The fact that the "SEX" classroom scene happens literally right after a tense/weird Wes/Annalise scene. The season premiere which had the flashfoward introducing Wes running away from the house as Annalise is bleeding out with voice-over from earlier where she

Yeah that's why I stopped watching in season one initially. Just everyone was a terrible person, and there was no real reason to care about anything.

"At long last, Simon came out of the heterosexual closet, which was super hard for him."

Ahhh I'm so glad this show is back. I missed it.

He also made a teen character in 2015 reference Gone With the Wind, so, yeah, I think he's a little out of it. "Out of touch" may have been the wrong phrase, but I definitely don't think he's very good at this. Almost all of his teen characters in all of his shows reference and are knowledgeable about things no teen

can't believe you forgot Lana Banana's name.

does this dude ever chill

For being "the gayest show ever" there sure is a lack of actual gayness.