
"It's just a show and it's a show that isn't like anything else on television."

Well, I remember vaguely last season when Rumple is in the hospital Zelena full on takes credit for Neal's death. I think she would think it murder, as would all the other characters lol.

I have a hard time remembering her season, but didn't she like kidnap a baby, kept someone as a prisoner (tortured him i think?), she murdered Neil, tried to enact a curse. Most recently she raped someone.

I didn't even know he had a Netflix series coming out (and so soon!) so this was a nice surprise. I'll give it a shot.

Trust me, it's not over your head. It's just not a good show.

That's the new season of American Horror Story.

That scene is so…. wut. Like, I can't tell if it is trying to "redeem" the Chanels, or if it really believes the message of the scene, or if it thinks that was an example of empowered women and they are patting themselves on the back for it, or if they are actually making fun of feminism and the message of the scene.

"Yeah you have to actually have a sense of humor to enjoy the show"

"The fact that Boneta's character likes that lame romcom in 2015 is the joke"

arguably her character is far grosser now.

"If you didn't have several spit-take level laughs during this then it's flying over your head"

" but only if you took any of it seriously and actually allowed it to offend you. "

Gay dude better not actually be faking it. That is problematic as shit.

Yeah that's why I'm hoping he isn't faking it. Like putting aside the huge problematic issues of that, just, on its own, it just doesn't make any sense, whatsoever? Like what could he possibly gain from doing that?

They did say the word gay? In both episodes. I definitely remember his line being all "I'm not here just because I'm gay" or whaaaatever.

Yeah all of these Lost-alikes really just make it increasingly apparent that Lost actually knew how to tell a decent story.

In fact Nat was like the only one who actually did stop to consider what Alex was saying lol. Which really just makes everyone look even worse.

knowing nothing about the bible, i feel this show just piles random weird stuff on top of each other and im just like k

I thought the concerned look was because he doesn't know sign language and was concerned about what they were talking about lol.

Pretty sure that scene happened in the past. Lancelot isn't shown in any scene aside from the opening. When Arthur shows up at the end, his crew is just a load of wonderbread.