
To be fair, they write everything terribly on this show. It's just not a good show.

gosh reading the showrunners talk about the show is weird. it's like they are picturing a far better and more interesting show in their heads than the one we get on the screen.

Yeah basically the campier people get with their roles, the more enjoyable it is.

Especially when she's the show's only queer character =___=

Why does the Fury have boobs? Does she breastfeed baby Furies? Like.

The glittery/scaly thing is something that only shows up in the Enchanted Forest I'm pretty sure? And Emma did start to get glittery in the flashback scene, but I think in Storybooke it still follows the "people look normal" thing. Same reason why Zelena doesn't have green skin in Storybooke.

Honestly, I'm no shipper, but it seems clear at this point that Emma and Regina should just ditch the dudes and date each other. At least they actually play off each other far more interestingly than their male suitors.

That'd be great. The lack of KH references is appalling.

When the whole hand-holding thing happened, I assumed the end result was going to be that they each gave up a part of themselves, like, as in 1/5th of them died and in that way they paid back the price. But then the show just…. kept going with everyone fine and no one having to have had sacrificed anything and

I kinda just assume the morgue people are in on it.

Weird, that's like the part that interests me the most. I like getting into the writing, directing, etc kind of stuff. I don't really need a play-by-play of the episode.

Or like when he goes "This show will be good".

The reporter dude's "attack" is the most suspect. He didn't even get hurt at all and was simply tied to a column with a "mind ya own beeswax" piece of paper lol.

Because I, a queer person, want to watch shows in which ensemble casts have queer people in them.

Well according to the show, the role of the author is meant to be a recorder, not a writer. That he is meant to record the truth. This is why Isaac's was a "fiction" because it was lies and didn't actually happen that way.

I think it would be more annoying for it to all be reversed and "it was all fiction/not real" after like 12 episodes of watching it unfold than a simple finale. Like it's interesting, but if it ultimately is just a "it was all a dream" I think people would be annoyed they spent half a season on it.

I think it was that he can't actually change the past (i.e. bring back dead people) but that he can change people's memories of the past. So he changed Snow and Regina's memories of the past (switching their roles, switching characters) but in reality, Daniel still died, etc. I mean this was the point of Rumple's

A+ i like this person.

I definitely do not ask it like that's a bad thing. I only intend to watch the show if there is a prominent queer character. So far that seems to not be the case, so I'll probably pass on it for now. Hopefully an actual explicit main queer character appears.

Any queer characters yet?