
I miss Ugly Betty.

Yeah that part was so ridiculous.

I watched it. It's pretty stupid but there were some moments that made me laugh. I'll probably stick with it. Eh. I am real tired of all of the scenes of the Reporter dude smiling creepy at the camera. Like, c'mon.

They should really just make a Series for the whole Young Avengers. Practically an all-queer squad of superheroes.

Uh, if a show focuses on romantic feelings between straight people (i.e. crushes, kissing, dating, etc) then it can have gay characters. A lot of these kid/teen shows feature plotlines about crushes and dating even if they don't focus on sex at all. There's no reason to exclude characters who have crushes or want to

I liked that callback, but I appreciate it even more because the scene that exchange was originally from begins with Leslie asking Ron if they would ever end up hating each other and Ron replies that he thinks they would be okay.

The deep red + intense heat coming from the source after the cork was removed definitely implied that to me anyway. I remember watching it when it first aired and thinking "ah they finally got back to the volcano" myself.

I kind of feel like the volcano did pay off myself? The whole "the island is getting destroyed" thing in the finale seemed to me to be directly related to the volcano. When I first watched the finale back when it aired, I definitely thought to myself "ah, they finally got back to the volcano"

"There's no reason or way Walt would have apparated from his nice private school in NYC to tell John Locke "he has work to do""

Well if we take the Lighthouse wheel at face value, then there were some candidates in the army as their names appear on the wheel.

I can't quite remember the details, but I'm pretty sure the Lapidus/Sun thing was set up in the episode as happening before "Locke" appeared alive on Hydra Island, like that it happened the night before.

Uh, wasn't the volcano pretty important in the series finale? It was kind of what the whole "the island will get destroyed" thing was hinged on.

Christian, probably. His ending is literally about how he's never going to change, lol.

Pretty sure her appearance is presaged by the Whispers, not the Smoke Monster.

It was left out because every time they tried to fit it in the scene always felt forced and would be cut. I'm pretty sure they said the scene had been attempted to be put into a bunch of episodes but it was always cut by the end because it just felt so forced, like they were moving the pieces specifically to answer

Pretty sure that it wasn't explicitly answered, but you can piece together that it was due to the Incident (since babies could be born before, but not after). I believe the S6 Epilogue also has a line of dialogue that further confirms this idea, too.

I felt this was one of the last times the CGI for the Smoke Monster was actually good, lol. After this point in the show it's suddenly grey instead of black for the rest of the series and seems more poorly done to me.

And yet you have Kate who was touched by Jacob and was not one of the remaining candidates, due to her being considered unsuitable for another reason. The show makes it pretty clear that every name in the cave and on the lighthouse dial are candidates whose names were crossed off for one reason or another, with the

Yeah, I know those are the final candidates. But they are the final candidates because every other candidate died or became unsuitable. Nikki and Paolo were candidates at the time of Expose which is why MIB indirectly killed them.

What about the people in The Office and Parks and Recreation? In the start of those shows many of those characters were little more than extras only to end up coming major players by the shows' ends?