
It was a mix of clips and new stuff, actually…

I think that was the thing though. People were bothered by Nikki and Paolo because of how they were introduced. They just appeared in a scene and were demanding answers from Locke, just like that, as if they had always been there. What most fans wanted was for the writers to take characters that had already been

You DO hear the Monster sound right before the spider bites Nikki tho (and it has been confirmed outside the show that it was indeed MIB).

They do break that rule at one point though (spoilers?), by giving Naomi a flashback after she had already died.

I would've liked that better than how they did end up putting the inhaler into the show (spoilers?) in Season Six with Hurley + Jack finding it just outside the caves.

Often the most simple answer is the correct one. We know The Others had files on everyone, that they have a large presence off the island and that Ben would want Cooper to mess with Locke. They orchestrated a kidnapping of him, no Smokey/Jacob/Island needed. It was the real Cooper.

"In "Raised by Another", after Claire discovers she is pregnant she says "My mom will disown me," and her boyfriend replies "Hasn't she pretty much done that already?" But she would have already been in a coma by this time. Kind of a stretch to say she's been disowned because Mom's an invalid. For some reason these

I was really glad when they shifted away from the love triangle being Kate's central story and made it about Aaron and Claire. Still wish they had done more with it, but it was definitely a better change. (and SPOILERS the fact that her "remembrance" in the flashsideways was tied to Claire and not Jack or Sawyer was

lol ok dude

It always seemed to me that Smokey was trying to be Christian to get Jack to kill himself (the cliff edge), but then simply told Jack that it was to lead him to water instead to gain his trust in the present day.

Damon Lindelof worked on those shitty Star Trek movies tho, lol. He was one of the writers for the second film even.

I think they had it planned out all along, tbh. Though I think they leaned too heavily on trying to convince people that it was "what if the bomb worked". But it seemed to me that the entire point of the sideways was that these characters had grown and made different choices (i.e. Kate chooses to stay with Claire

I think the light Locke sees is meant to be the Smoke Monster's flashes from when it is downloading your memories or whatever (like in Left Behind when it flashes Juliet and Kate). So the Monster found Locke,"flashed"/saw-his-past, and then proceeded to use him as a pawn from that moment on.

I think the show did say what it was, but the writer of the article only saw Seasons 1-2 and then the finale. What the Island was was revealed in Across the Sea, two episodes before the finale. So he probably just didn't realize that they HAD made clear (or clear enough) what the Island was, because everything else he

I kind of feel like the Season Six premiere would have been a better ending.

and they have like a Meaningful Hug in the final number, too. Very odd.

They should've stuck to the original plan of having Sam and Kurt get together. They actually had chemistry any time they were allowed to be in the same scene, lol

And it followed one of the better musical moments, so it was a win all around~

I also really liked the Ryder/Unique thing, though I have no idea why.

Yeah, if you had stuck around for the characters then the ending was great.