
Yeah, the New Group just felt like clones of everyone else instead of new characters in their own right. Felt like watching knock-off brand Glee. They were a lot more successful with the New New Group of kids, but then didn't really bother to give them much plot.

Turns out RB were saving all their racial commentary for the trainwreck that was AHS:Coven.

Eh. For me this just highlighted how much better Parks and Rec was at making those future scenes feel earned and true to the show.

i had to pause the show for a few minutes after that "sue bit her mother's vagina on the way out" joke

Probably just trying to make sense out of Becky's complete 180 over the most mundanely (comparitively) bad thing Sue has done.

that's insane

Which was only episode four of Season Two…

And he came in the first episode of season two at that.

god that long haired gay dude is sooooo old. he should not be playing a teenager

"Roderick to climb a rope to pass his physical fitness test."
Has that ever actually been a thing? You see it in shows and movies coooonstantly, but I've never seen or heard of it done in real life anytime past the early nineties.

she finds happiness… with bobby newport

Before Typhoon showed up, I legit thought JR and Craig were going to end up together. They hit it off really well in the Season 6 Finale.

It can be hard to tell but it's definitely clouds outside. And the stewardess has a pin with wings.

Pretty sure Ben and Leslie are both Democrats?

You should check out the producer's cut on It has ten extra minutes and almost all of them are devoted to adding in more laughs instead of more heart.

For what it's worth, the Producer's Cut has quite a bit of additional lines + scenes focused on the April/Andy thing that I felt helped make it work better. Obviously it still ends in the same place, so your mileage will vary, but I definitely think their story works better with the extra stuff.

For what it's worth, the Producer's Cut has an additional flashforward set between Tom's destruction and him talking to the audience at that presentation thing.

Those were clouds.

It's up now :)