
Huh. So I guess I'm the only one who thought that Jake offering Doug Judy immunity felt off and kind out of of character? Like I know they have good chemistry and connect well and stuff everytime they're together, but at the end of DJ's last appearance, Jake was still hellbent on catching him, and angry he got away,

He's done it since season one so I don't know why people would complain now. It's refreshing for me, anyway

I don't think it's ever addressed in dialogue or anything, but Jake has moved apartments since that episode. When we see his apartment (starting in the Pimento eps I think) he is in a newer and bigger apartment than Gina's old one.

Really don't see how this show is queerbaiting, at least, not in the traditional definition (heavy queer subtext but never making any of it explicit, often lampshading or no-homo-ing it or "leaving it up to interpretation" to rope in queer viewers without upsetting straights). The show has multiple canon queer

MIB even makes a comment about how the technicians would come for him soon when he leaves Lawrence.

I didn't even read it as flirting when I watched the ep, personally.

The producers also assured her that there would be no filming in the suite that night, and then not only did they film it without her consent, they brought in her family member to catch them and then continued to film it. Like.

I'm not surprised he became violent. I always thought that was in his character. There was like a whole scene last season about him forcing rough sex on his fiance and not really listening to her when she clearly didn't like it.

were you seriously about to compare the rape of a child with smoking pot?

The judge in this movie is male, actually.

Well the scene has Lydia being aware that he's Mrs. Doubtfire so it had to have come from at least the middle of his arc :S

I honestly am amazed that they bothered to do a reboot and then hired the same people that drove the first series into the ground. Like what?

bitter much

yeah i didn't get the impression that they broke up with that scene.

It's interesting seeing so much love for The Leftovers in the comments here since the comments on Leftover reviews are like always filled with ceaseless hate for it and Lindelof lol.

also the bisexual psychic orgy :p

Have you checked out the extended cut of the series finale? There was something like 10 extra minutes and it was all devoted to adding more laughs. I think when pressed with cutting it down for time, they decided the aired cut should focus on the heart/characters leaving the finale to be less funny. The extended cut

I see so much love for the S6 finale, which is so strange for me. When I watched it live, I didn't feel like it was that great or noteworthy? It was good, but it wasn't great. On repeat viewings I like it more, but I still think it was one of the weaker finales :/
I wonder why it didn't land for me as well as it did

"Lady Gaga, American Horror Story: Hotel"

and you one of /those/