
"Do you deserve Blaine or not? Not, I know, but you ought to think you do."

ask and you shall receive i suppose, lol

god i love jennifer barkley so much

They mentioned it in the first episode of the season. He sprained his shoulder trying to clean out the gutter. The boringness of its explanation was part of what made April realize that their lives had stagnated.

Eh. "Monster" seems a bit much. This was totally in character for Jenn Barkley based on all of her other appearances, and to the show's credit, it never once actually paints her as bad for having that stance. The show treats both characters and their beliefs with respect and keeps them both likeable. A lesser show

There was also the Halloween Episode after Leslie got recalled and her and Ben tried to get a tattoo from the Pawn Shop guy

Donna's gift to Garry was the moment that made me full on cry. Ahhhh. I don't know what I am going to do without this show.

"Rachel's whoever the script needs her to be for the next 5 minutes."

For whatever it's worth, according to the Pawnee book they published during Season Four, Pawnee has a population of more than 65,000 people.

Well, only the straight ones.

"That's what makes Connor from HTGAWM so popular he's not one dimensional, he's not the stereotypical gay character that we see on tv everyday . He actually has issues and problems outside of his sexuality .He has a real personality "

I want him to be dating Crazy Craig. They really hit it off in the Season Six finale.

Essentially it was because it was spoiled. It got out that was the plan and all this stuff and instead of going ahead they decided to cut it. The writers care more about something being surprising than they care about it being good or well crafted, basically. Which left Season Two pretty uneven. You can see all this

I like how they finally gave Sam's original storyline (gay football player who isn't stereotypical and eventually dates Kurt) to another character. Shame the character is kind of a douche (and I wasn't really feeling his voice when he finally sang in the end).

I'm pretty sure Glee actually made it's syndication deal before it even hit 100 episodes, like, back in Season Two. Oxygen owns the syndication rights.

Sounds like something worth exploring on the show.

Spoiler alert, even if the identity went away, the behaviour would not. There have always been non-straight people throughout time, even if they didn't call themselves that, and the same would hold true for the future. And, you know, given how these kids were raised in a spacestation where there was a LIMITED amount

Well I've watched the first season, and they managed to find plenty of time to focus on straight relationships both major (love quadrangle bleh) and minor (scenes with that male leader dude who's name im forgetting ermerging naked from a threesome or whatever) during its so called frenetic pace so I don't see why it

But still no actual characters this late into the show? Eh. That's disappointing. I guess I won't bother with Season 2 and on then.

Are there any gay characters on this show yet?