
For what it's worth, the book is pretty awful.

Exactly how I feel about it, too.

Huh. Thanks for sharing! That's interesting. I wonder if that means they plan to follow up on it next season or not…

Anyone else find it a little jarring that Bay (and Daphne) had no qualms about making AJ disappear? It's just so weird to me, like why is he in this episode? Don't get me wrong, I actually really liked the character and I fully expected him to show up in the ending in the Realverse as a cliffhanger like "oh hai im

Yeah that's exactly how I feel about it, too. It's just such a positive life-affirming show unlike any other on the air right now, really. I'm really really really going to miss it once it's over.

Yeah, I was originally going to mention B99 in my post as the closest thing, but I decided not to. It's definitely similar and close, but I do find it not on the same level as Parks, there's definitely more bite to it, for lack of better word? That's just based on Season One for me though, I haven't been keeping up

I think the thing that gets me most, personally, is just that I love Parks for being so uplifting and optimistic when most shows really aren't. It manages to be funny without being mean, and at present, I don't really see anything on the current TV landscape that would replace that for me after Parks is finished.

Also means the show will be over quicker? I'm dreading the end myself.

"When this season first started, I was thinking it would be that S1 was more what Valerie was thinking she came across as, and that S2 would be more like what really happened since we're seeing it though Paulie G's perspective."

I think the reviewer might have been getting at the fact that the two black characters would likely be punished more, legally speaking, due to systemic + institutionalized racism and that might be a reason why they wouldnt normally jump to help Rebecca, but idk

I'd agree with the first few choices, except that I think Nip/Tuck's second season and AHS's second season were both better than their firsts.

The real question is when is OUAT going to have its Kingdom Hearts season.

Is it gay yet?

Yeah I couldn't tell if we were supposed to take that at face value or if it was more meant as a hyperbolic insult.

nah what connor needs is to find a new boyfriend to fall for because the Oliver actor isn't very good

My reading of that scene was that Rebecca did figure out what Lila was talking about, that's why she changed the subject soon after and held her hand?

Dude can be mean while also doing it in a biphobic way? It's not like it's an either-or situation.

I kind of liked Rebecca when she was in on everyone's secret biz and teasing them.

Yeah I noticed that, too. Quite the reversal and one that was definitely not earned at all.

You are not alone in the Connor thing. While it's obviously a great thing that gay sexuality is on network televison like it is here, I'm getting pretty tired about how that is nearly the only thing the character does or that we know about him. All characterization of him somehow comes back to sex. If it isn't him