
"That said, sex scene was hot as hell"

He clearly has a shitton of internalized homophobia that manifests negatively in pretty much any attempt he makes at LGBT representation, even as he pats himself on the back for it.

Right. The show has also taken care to let us know he has an eight inch dick. Can't forget that~

Not any more so than the show's fucking lead.

"I love Kathryn’s story of meeting smart people who think she’s smart in turn and enjoy her writing, but the fake lesbian story was… strange"
Honestly, I think they might be slow burning a story that Kathryn is bisexual. I remember scenes earlier in the seasons where they made a big point out of a girl hitting on

I noticed that scene as well, too. It made sense in the beginning of the scene, because there were hearing kids in the scene too, but then the hearing kids left and it was just her and fellow deaf kids and she kept speaking audibly which was odd. It might have just been a slip up, due to the switching between

"Kathryn and Regina's scene is strong. I do have one question! Did what we learn about Kathryn and her "revenge sex" encounter mean she cheated on John once, in the past?"

I really appreciate this review a lot. It's something I found myself thinking during the episode to a lesser extent and I'm glad to be able to read a thoughtful piece about it and issues like it with the show.


That was the comparison being drawn by luke hart, yes. Obviously the writers aren't going to go "yes, he is the new Danny".

"The Benefactor storyline featuring freshman assassins is an interesting twist on a previously boring concept,"
Really? That was the scene that completely diminished my enjoyment of the episode and made me audibly say (as I find myself saying a lot over these past few episodes) "Teen Wolf is so fucking stupid.".

Danny was the only reason I kept watching this show, so I'm definitely gone, too.

I'm sure it's true. But for some reason, after the S3 finale, I wouldn't be surprised if Danny is revealed to be the Benefactor (after all, he's apparently known about the supernatural in BH this whole time). But lord would that be stupid.

Same. I think I'm probably done with this show now.

They explained why they are comparing him to Danny, they were talking about his role on the show — "(oblivious sidekick whilst straight white Garret and his love interest are in on the plot aka Danny/Jackson)"

Bye any interest I had in watching this show.

It's not completely unrelated. Their point was largely that Danny has been in the show for four seasons and yet still remains more than a guest star (especially ridiculous after the finale, what a perfect time to add him into the group), whereas a brand new character that was in two, maybe three, episodes last season

Otherwise known as "queer baiting" which is not a gay-friendly practice.

Typically when a show introduces a gay love interest for a pre-existing character, it's to give that pre-existing character more storylines, screentime and development. Yet on Teen Wolf, they give the white love interest more screentime, more development, and more importance over the pre-existing gay character. That's

The show likes to pretend it's universe is one free of homophobia, yet we see the real world's homophobia leak into it anyway. If the show as truly homophobia free, gay character wouldn't be relegated to bit parts. They'd actually be a part of the main cast. If this were any other show, Danny would have been promoted