
No one would accuse the show of trying to fill a gay quota by having the gay character they've treated poorly for four seasons finally given an actual role. That's called development.

A whole episode about the lacrosse team and Danny is nowhere to be seen. It's like the writers /want/ me to hate this show.


It really does seem to be because of Lindelof. Like if he wasn't behind the project, or his involvement was kept secret, I don't think the comments here would be nearly as volatile. Perhaps the same people still wouldn't like the show, but I doubt they'd be as committed to saying so every week if they didn't know it

I have seen far far far worse shows that don't inspire these kinds of comments or appointment hating.

Yeesh. This show certainly brings out the ire in the comments.

The money thing was pretty ridiculous, especially as a cliffhanger ending. It's asking us to care about something we never even knew. For this entire show, I just assumed they had Fantasy Money, like one does on these shows where everyone is pretty much rich but never goes into how or why or the realities of money. It

I don't know. The implication of that conversation with Scott and Stiles are pretty heavily leaning into "Stiles and Malia are sleeping together". Like if that wasn't what they were going for, they definitely should have written that scene differently. She sneaks into his room, something~ happens and his back is

No they haven't. Danny hasn't even shown up. He's likely to get shafted, again, from any meaningful role in the story while his love interest magically gets more screentime than him. I feel bad for Keahu.

"She is dominant in the relationship, I hope Stiles can reverse it by season end that would be cool"

A shame, too, because she could be amazing on her own without a love interest (imagine, a female character without her biggest plot being a love interest), and also because we all know Stiles' only real good love interest is Danny.

They thought this looked hotter. (Seriously, I have seen the writers argue this.)

I don't know if anyone else caught this (or cared), but when the lady Melody was talking with about the job referred to Emmett and Travis as Melody's "two sons" I teared up a bit inside.

I think she was just getting caught up in the dream.

God I'm so sick of Brandon, especially this episode. He was being such an asshole and he's still obtuse as ever, not understanding why having the night go well would be extremely important to Callie and show that Moms can trust her. Bleh. When is he getting written out of the show.

"I also disagreed slightly with the review where it states that "Regina, John, and Kathryn are at odds on how to co-parent their daughters." No. They are at odds on how to co-parent DAPHNE. Never Bay. Regina never has really shown much of an interest in anything having to do with parenting Bay. "

I did read the article, that's why I left a comment on it.

I don't know. Anti-anti-spoiler sometimes reads as kind of privileged or classist to me. Some people can't afford to buy the book or game (especially games) or see the movie right when it comes out. Do they deserve to have it spoiled just because you want to talk about the whole piece?

According to Lindelof, it was changed so that the character would be forced to deal more directly with the shit that happens (such as in the riot/fight thing in the middle of the episode) whereas the mayor wouldn't necessarily have to as much (such as when the mayor just watched this happen in the ep). Something like

everyone in this show is angsty tho.