
Pretty sure Gunny is Ryan Murphy's assistant based on the comments in this thread.

Yeah, his big showcase where 1/5th of the audience is made up of his high school friends, like whaat, lol. That scene was so lackluster.

yeah it seemed intentionally… until literally no one in the show past that point brings it up or talks about it? The focus is on Sam "cheating" not on the fact that someone just sexually harassed him. And it largely seems to be going completely uncommented on in reviews and blogs and by fandom. Wasn't even mentioned

Yeah. If they had at least waited for the next season for this plot… Even if all of the "getting tired of Broadway role" stuff was limited to the hiatus, it would feel a lot better than them simply having her having opening night one ep and then literally the next ep have her tired of it.

God, I miss Sebastian. It was so nice to have an antagonist the kids' age.

If they were any smart they'd sign her up as a series regular now that she's free. Fingers crossed.

Grumpy had a line in the ep that Aurora turned back into human before giving birth, so, she's presumably still pregnant and won't give birth until next season. I'm assuming Phillip is still there, just not on screen (like the case with Red. She wasn't shown for a bunch of episode, but she was still "there" according

It's not a question of if it /should/. The reality is that it does. That's kind of how culture works, and TV/Media is a large part of what makes up our culture.

The difference is that gay kids are killing themselves because they can't see themselves in the media they consume, because when they are shown they are shown to only be allowed to live lives of turmoil and pain, because they are so sick and tired of being rejected and ashamed and dehumanized that they feel their only

It really was not that ambiguous. When she goes to talk to her, Aurora asks if she needs to talk to Phillip and Mulan says she wasn't there to talk to him, but to talk to her. Everything about that moment and the moments leading up to it are clear. She was there to tell Aurora that she loved her.

Slightly off-topic, but if you're looking for a character like that and you're into games at all, you should check out the Mass Effect game series (especially ME3). The main character can be gay/straight/bi/etc if you choose, but there are also some characters who are gay no matter what and they're pretty awesome. I

If Disney really had said no to LGBT characters, they wouldn't have put in the Mulan thing at all. ABC is well known for having a lot of gay characters though. I think, really, trying to give the benefit of the doubt, sorta, they did want to tell the story, but the actress was unavailable and they are too clueless to

knowing OUAT, they will take it a step further and make all of her motivations be about failed romance with a dude. and then her heart is thawed by straight love in the end. also, she's regina's other sister.

The idea that people "belong together" at all is pretty absurd to me, lol. But it is OUAT.

Well the idea is that if Regina and Robin were "meant to be together" that means Marian was "meant to be" with someone else. And that by not going for Robin, Regina kept Robin and Marian from being who they were meant to be with. If Regina had gone for him, Marian would've met the person she was actually supposed to

"if you want to do a heteronormative family show about fairy tales, just do it, nobody will really judge you for that."

I think the idea was that he wasn't married at that point in the storyline. Thus Regina not going for him not only messed up her own life, but his and Marian's as well. At least, that's why Tink was so angry about it, apparently.

You must know some classy hookers.

I don't know. I definitely think they are going with Frozen specifically. Like, the character is clearly based on Elsa. The writers have said they wanted to do Frozen. And OUAT is owned by Disney and they have been given permission to use Disney characters and iconography. There isn't really a reason why it wouldn't

I don't know. I didn't find it very out of place just because I feel they are trying to do a whole "older era" thing with Storybrooke already. Like a lot of the costumes and sets and stuff have that like 20s—50s kind of vibe.