Stefon is so good becaues Hader is trying so hard not to break, but Mulaney knows exactly what to spring on him that will get him to do it.
Stefon is so good becaues Hader is trying so hard not to break, but Mulaney knows exactly what to spring on him that will get him to do it.
I actually get kinda mad at myself for liking the Stefon sketches so much.
When she goes out for lunch, she sends her sandwich back three times because the ingredients are stacked in the wrong order. “Cheese FIRST, you idiot, then the avocado! DO IT AGAIN!”
She looks like the type of person who would scream at a cashier because they won’t accept her month old coupons, and then try to get them fired because they hurt her feelings.
I’m not sure what it is, but some people just look like they are going to be a pain in the ass.
She looks like a whiter Racheal Dolezal.
Fuck that. Ralph Macchio’s career ended when he got arrested for shooting the clerk in Alabama.
Movies have a budget. If the budget can’t handle filming on location, then you don’t film on location. Not sure what this person expected.
Did anyone ever like Matt Lauer? He’s not charming or funny or even relatively handsome. I’ve always been confused why his job was so secure while the women on the show always came and went and were shuffled around.
Don’t go to Casa Bonita. “But South Park....” No. Stop. Cease. Desist. Refrain. It’s terrible.
Actually, he is fat in the book. He grows thinner as he starts spending more and more time online thanks to a workout regime or something but for the first third of the book at least he is overweight. He mentions it being one of his insecurities about his body.
I generally tip every day, instead of one lump sum at the end of my stay. This ensures proper distribution among housekeepers that may or may not be rotating responsibilities.
Yes. This is truth. Seriously, you gotta too the people who keep your stuff clean. Especially if you don’t see them.
Yeah the beard gets all the credit but really TNG’s creative turn around can more truthfully be ascribed to the writers finding their own voices rather than just (poorly) re-working TOS episodes.
Also Riker growing a beard. Never forget the rule of the beard for TNG.
A hard fought gain in the War on Christmas
I miss George W. Bush.
Oh please, people. It’s not like anyone in the US Navy needs to know where the Persian Gulf is.