
If they had to dig him up there'd be some ground.

Puuudddddin on da riiiiiiiiizzzz!

This reminds of a story between a smoker and non smoker. Non smoker was telling the other guy that if just saved all the money that he used to buy cigarette, he could buy a Porsche. The smoker asked the non smoker, "Do you smoke?", he replied, "No.", he then answered, "So where's you're Porsche now?"

It's me, isn't it? I'm the one it finds! I'm the someone!

I don't know, this CG doesn't look that great. And where are the explosions and space lasers? And it needs a hot chick.

"follow your dreams" has always been one of my least favorite cliched pieces of advice. If I did that I'd be parachuting off a building in a spider-man outfit

The onions couldn't possibly give less of a shit about being there.

hahaha. *Psychic (I sometimes get a bit trigger happy and don't manually spell-check when I don't see any squiggly red lines)

You'll never make it in the greeting card biz, kid

Can confirm. Watched "Raven" in English class.

HSF - Homéopathes Sans Frontières

The book for "2010" is better than the movie. I remember hearing that the book and movie were actually written/filmed at the same time. There's a preface where Arthur C. Clark mentions how he was able to mail the entire text of the book to the publisher on one "floppy disk." Oooohhh, the future!

New reality show concept: all of these hucksters should be sent to Liberia, infected with Ebola, and then given the opportunity to demonstrate whose cure works the fastest. The celebrity host can be Jenny McCarthy.

Best. Line. Ever.

You must be fun at parties... in Minecraft.

Awesome! New toys of mass destruction from the war industry...Raytheon, no less!

Wow. They're really banking on the BvS movie doing well.

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