
All weekend battery. That's all I freaking want! I want to be able to unplug my phone at 4 pm on Friday and go through an entire weekend of debauchery and repentance, and have my phone still have some charge when I stroll back into work on Monday morning.

I'm taking the easy answer. 2001: A Space Odyssey.

More than you realize. The Nostalgia Critic makes a great point in that these are beings that can travel, presumably at the speed of light, have camoflauge space ships etc etc, and yet it was a frickin' pantry door that kept one of them from killing the M. Night Shyamalan character.

I for one welcome are new patio furniture overlords.

The biggest takeaway SHOULD be that the story matters just as much as the talent, action and visuals. But I'm sure those in charge of other properties will simply add talking animals, vegetation a quirky soundtrack or maybe double down on grimdarkserious and wonder why they can't have nice things.

Bringing back Palpatine without Ian McDiarmid is a huge mistake if it's true, IMO. They pulled a beautiful fast one by retrofitting him into the prequels and he was one of the few saving graces of that sorry, otherwise poorly acted hunk of crap.

Sure, Palpatine fell down a huge shaft in Return of the Jedi, but we never saw a body.

There reason why so many corporations are run poorly is BECAUSE someone has done what you did and assumed a guy good at [technical skill] is a good candidate for a job requiring good management skills. Being able to run (or even design) specific systems and being able to run an agency are two entirely different

On a side note, the reverse of this would be a movie that started out as clichés, and turned into a truly original story:

ooooh, just post the picture of a stupid movie.

"V," The original series. Stopped watching after three episodes, didn't watch the remake. Snake aliens coming to Earth to eat us, mate with us and steal our water.


There are three types of tragedies in life. One is not getting what you want, one is getting it, and one is crowdfunding a watch that doesn't tell time.

I don't know. There was that little thing called the Holocaust.

"No, not Syfy!"

The website doesn't mention the Microsoft Home Use Program. The website is and they must use the military email address. Also, it's confusing, but following the directions from , you will get better instructions.

Life likes Ike?